Consultation responses

We recently responded to two consultations run by Camden Council: the Environmental Sustainability Plan and the Draft Transport Strategy.   See below for our responses: Camden Friends of the Earth response to Camden Environmental Sustainability Plan 2011-2020 (pdf) Camden Friends of the Earth response to Camden Draft Transport Strategy 2011-2031 (pdf)

Energy from waste?

Together with Brent FoE and Barnet FoE we had letters published in local newspapers on the dubious ‘green’ claims of energy from waste and the North London Waste Authority: ‘Waste plan is dubious‘ in the Ham & High, 18 November 2010 ‘A chance to invest in technology that has real benefit‘ in the Barnet Press,

10/10/10 Banquet

PLEASE NOTE: We are sorry to announce that our Vegan Banquet is now full to capacity (although we are absolutely chuffed about the positive response!) As we don’t like to stop people coming, we will have room for more after 9pm for the after-dinner entertainment for which we are asking £5 donation. If you can’t