Camden Friends of the Earth participates in national campaigns along with other local action groups, as well as working on issues specific to our community.

Our main campaigns for 2025:

Planet over Profit  – This national-level campaign aims to end environmental exploitation by big business by calling on the government to enact a UK Business, Human Rights, and Environment Act. Global supply chains are a massive contributor to environmental degradation and human rights abuses. New legislation is necessary to rein in big business. You can read more about what Friends of the Earth is doing here

Camden Swapping Circle – Each year in the UK, approximately 350,000 tonnes of textile waste is sent to landfill. We’re trying to divert that waste by hosting community swapping events. Swap out your unworn items for new-to-you treasures and keep textiles from ending up in landfill!

One of our clothes swaps in the Think & Do pop up space in Kentish Town

Past Campaigns

Camden Friends of the Earth campaign on a variety of issues, some local to the Camden area, some London-wide, as well as joining in with campaigns nationally and internationally.

Our three main campaigns for 2020/2021 were:

Resource Not Waste. In addition to aligning with the Plastics campaign by Friends of the Earth, this campaign will focus on local issues around food waste, pollution, and recycling. Some partners for this Focus Area include the Leave No Trace and other local campaigns. We will aim to engage with Veolia, North London Waste Authority and Camden Local authority as well with individuals and businesses in the Borough.

Energy. This campaign will focus on energy and heating insecurity in Camden while supporting community energy projects. Outreach to partners like Power Up North London will form a core part of the project strategy.

Fast Fashion. With education, outreach, and clothes swaps, we want to provide people with the tools and resources to make responsible fashion choices. Think & Do Camden work actively in this space and will be great partners to drive engagement forward.

We have created a Sustainable Shopping map for Camden – have a look!

Interested leading and shaping any of these campaigns?

We also support the Fossil Free Camden campaign.

See More Past Campaigns