We ran a survey over June and July to find out what people in Camden think about environmental issues. We received 80 responses in total – from our website, email list, other community group email lists, Camden Green Fair and a stall at Parliament Hill farmer’s market.
Here’s some of the top level results from the survey (click to view bigger):
People were most concerned about climate change, resource consumption, waste and recycling, and transport.
Although people were most concerned about climate change, this was felt to be the area we can least influence locally. This is something our Get Serious about CO2 campaign aims to target, to encourage local councils to help businesses and individuals cut carbon emissions as well as reducing their own footprint.
People felt that incentives would help them live more sustainably. We also received many useful and suggestions, in particular comments on people’s eco bugbears, which help to highlight which issues people in Camden feel strongly about. We received many comments on concerns about recycling in Camden, and transport issues, which we are currently feeding back to the Council.