Camden FoE again ran its annual stall at the Queens Crescent Market on 10th March as part of Fairtrade Fortnight. We noticed that customers were much more aware of the issues involved in fair trade and climate change than in previous years, which is really encouraging.
There is now a wide-range of Fairtrade goods available, and the hits of the day were the dried mango, chocolate, and coffee.
But why should we seek out the Fairtrade symbol?
Buying a fair trade product contributes directly to the community that produces it.
For example, in 2003, Fairtrade producer groups were receiving between two and three times the international price for coffee beans. They are no longer subject to the uncertainties of the international ‘free’ market that has most impact on those who can afford it least. The resultant ‘fair’ wages and work conditions improve the lives of about 1 million farmers and workers, and also have a postive impact on their communities. Education, health care and the environment all benefit from the empowerment of and investment in local communities. See the Fairtrade website for more information on the benefits.